How To Design And 3D Print Rigid Lightweight Yachts To Go Racing
Latest Gadgets and Designs being made across The Globe
Rudder designs for IOM/RG65/Nano (Craig Smith and Bill Hagerup)
Welcome to the latest boat parts and other 3D printed items being designed and made for our Radio Controlled Yacht community.
This displays the ideas, ongoing design and build thinking at 3D Printed Radio Yachts and elsewhere. Feel free to copy any of these designs.
Send us photos of your own RC Yacht part and boat designs if you are into printing. And if appropriate they will be added to this section with all credits, of course. Big mistakes are also welcome… all part of the learning curve.
All designer/builders are noted on the images. If not then they are the result of work at 3D Printed Radio Yachts.
These are roughly in chronological order, latest at the top. Enjoy.
From Nigel Davies
Hi Selwyn,
Many thanks for your thoughts about adhesives. I have broadly been doing as you do, but not used meths. I will try it. Attached is picture of my 3D Manta, which you might want to use on your site.
From Kayne Jacobson, NZ.
Have a look at the intricate CAD work on this RC yacht. This was sent to me from Kayne Jacobson, Auckland NZ. He and a friend are working on the development of another class of RC yacht. It will be biggish, I can hardly wait to see it in the water.
Full description is in “What People are Saying and Asking”.
And now some updated images from Kayne. Amazing skills on the CAD, I did the large version so you could see the detail.
From Philipp in Japan.
Philipp is doing some amazing printing and development with different materials and designs from a relatively modest printer. More details in “What Ogthers are Asking and Saying”.
The interest and variety of projects being developed across the world appears to be accelerating as the RC sailing community starts to understand the potential of this amazing technology.
Designs by Andreas Hoffman.
These two images are from Malcolm Cody in Australia. He has taken the RG65 Shrink variation (identical to Lipstick featured on the front page) and is currently producing a stunning looking yacht. He is a designer by trade, so little wonder he is into the design of his new baby.
Waterproof housings for receiver, winch and servo. Can be installed in any boat… image below shows the bases of the winch and servo installed in the new B1Bases of the waterproof winch and servo housings installed. The lids with the gadgets attached simply slide over the bases, very easy to change when things don’t work very well.
3d printed IOM rudder. All printed in one piece hollow. A support strut down the middle and bent 4mm stainless rod installed later. Notice the rudder support cylinders top and bottom.Very strong and water tight.This is the rudder installed with the parts displayed. notice the top positioning support cylinder for the 4mm rod. Also the glue pot is shown that contains the epoxy when securing the part to the hull.Sheet post support cylinder.Very useful glue containers when securing things to surfaces. Keeps the glue contained neatly around the part. Can be any shape to fit the surface or part.Keel case and support struts for an IOM. I use these all the time now, just adjust the size slightly in Simplfy 3d softwaare to fit the dimensions of thedesignA US One Meter and a Nano off to the USAThe new B1 series of design from Bill Hagerup
Some very neat rig fittings and bulb. Design and printed by Gregory Van den Bussche from France.
IOM Beta Sabre and internal items (hull design Bill Hagerup)Various pieces from hatch cover to pot support (Craig Smith)Clip in servo tray (Craig Smith)Experimental investigation into full yacht printing (see next image)Slice through experimental hull designed for everything to be 3d printed… part of a major investigation between Craig Smith (design) and Selwyn Holland (3d printing)Quick release waterproof winch housingWaterproof winch box closedWaterproof winch box openTiny threaded wheelsRG65 swinging arm with multiple positionsRG65 rudder, Bill Hagerup design USAUpdated RG65 design to take swing rig or conventional rig. Bill Hagerup design, USANano designed and being built by Brian Dill, AustraliaIOM: rudder support post and plateIOM: various deck entry plugs for rudder push rods and sheeting. Plus a fine mast well surround.General purpose rudder post support. Strong and light.
IOM: Keel box experimentIOM: winch shelf that attaches to the keel box
IOM: Keel box and stay support struts. Strong and light. A bout 60% air inside.RG65: Early experiments o ultra-lightweight sail foils. Very encouraging after many failures.Basic sheet postRG65 rudder. Designed and printed Brian DillRG65 Combined stern plate for rudder support and sheet return exit Nano/RG65: Updated combined keel box and support strutsNano/Rg65: Winch and servo shelf combined. attached to the keel box.RG65 prototype being built and tested by Allan Roberts, design Bill Hagerup. Note the lightweight rudder control with tensioned sheets.RG65/Nano “Top end ram” combined with mast crane. Very strong and light.RG65. First stage of a multiple section RG65 designed, printed and built by Andrew Payne, AustraliaRG65/Nano. Carbon tube reinforced fin and lead filled high accuracy bulb. Initial testing has shown them to be very competitive. Very easy to make.A Class. New rudder, design Bill Hagerup, built by “Big Al” Thomas, Australia. This is hollow, very strong with interesting carbon tube reinforcement… look carefully at the light coming through the rudder.Footy. A Bill Hagerup design from the USA, printed in Australia by Selwyn Holland then shipped back to Bill to add to his growing 3d printed fleet of Footies.Footy. Lightweight and very smooth finish.
IOM. Forward deck support strut.
10R. Bow section of an experimental 10R 3d printed design Bill Hagerup and Selwyn Holland are working on. No problems in strength, weight or design yet… just finding time to finish the project. This is definitely pushing the boundaries of this new technology.IOM. Experimental keel box and winch housing combination.IOM. Third prototype of the IOM series. Collaboration between Bill Hagerup (designer, USA) and Selwyn Holland (3d printing etc. Australia). Nearly ready to test. The first prototype is displayed in the next image.First IOM 3D printed prototype September 2016, Bill Hagerup/Selwyn HollandIOM. Close up of the key internal fittings of the third IOM prototype. All 3d printed, light and strong.